[erlang-questions] net_kernel:handle_call
Vance Shipley
Sun Feb 21 23:13:52 CET 2010
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:23:08AM -0500, Musumeci, Antonio S wrote:
} While not directly comparable... in other languages when you ask
} for an invalid service (method, function, etc) the caller not the
} called errors.
The proper thing to do when a server receives an incorrect
call depends on the relationship between the server and the
The Erlang way of handling programming errors is to fail
immediately and leave a stack trace pointing directly at
the problem so that someone can fix the code. So if your
client and server are two parts of a single program you would
want to have no clause to handle an unknown call.
On the other hand if the server repesents a service access
point and the client is a user of that service from another
program you would want to guard against it's errors. I use
the following:
%% @spec (SAP, Request) -> ok
%% SAP = Name | {Name,Node} | {global,GlobalName} | pid()
%% Node = atom()
%% GlobalName = term()
%% Request = term()
%% @doc Public API function for a service request.
call(SAP, Request) ->
case gen_server:call(SAP, Request) of
{ok, Result} ->
{error, Reason} ->
%% @spec (Request, From, State) -> Result
%% Request = term()
%% From = {pid(), Tag}
%% State = term()
%% @doc Private callback to handle a request sent with call/2.
handle_call(Request, _, State) ->
{reply, {ok, Result}, State};
handle_call(Other, _, State) ->
{reply, {error, badarg}, State}.
I have in the past used something like this:
handle_call(Other, {Pid, _Tag}, State) ->
exit(Pid, badarg),
{noreply, State}.
... however I've come to find the former more appropriate.
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