[erlang-questions] Common_Test generate xml?
Peter Andersson
Wed Feb 17 11:10:40 CET 2010
No Common Test only generates logs on html format. It's on the todo-list
to use events as base for an alternative logging mechanism, and
implement a logger handler/plugin for xml. This job hasn't started yet
though, so it'll be a while before it's finished.
If it's only the progress and results (and not also the IO printouts)
you're after, you can install your own event handler which translates
events to xml if you want. Read about event handling in the user's guide.
Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB
Aeolus wrote:
> Hello people,
> We have been using common test to perform testing. My question is that
> does Common Test (ct) support generating XML (xUNIT tool readable)
> format result files. Our purpose is to reuse some xUnit(junit) result
> analyzing tools to help us read those results or maybe do some graphic
> stuff as well. The user guide didn't mention this.
> //Chengwei
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