[erlang-questions] upgrading from R12 to R13 in a heterogeneous fashion

Bob Ippolito bob@REDACTED
Wed Feb 17 05:51:54 CET 2010

You'll find that anonymous funs compiled at a shell probably won't
work across versions, but when we've had heterogeneous clusters we
haven't had any major issues... although most of our nodes don't do a
lot of erlang messaging.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Brian Acton <acton@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We are currently running an 8 node cluster running R12. We are wanting to
> get all the bug fixes and performance improvements from R13 (not to mention
> better support). We've been advised in the past that we shouldn't run a
> heterogeneous cluster with a mix of R12 and R13 as it is potentially
> unstable.
> I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on the matter and if it is OK for us
> to run a heterogeneous environment (even if it is for a short duration (like
> 24 hours) ). I'm also wondering if there are any specific gotchas or caveats
> that we should be aware of as we go down this path.
> Thanks!
> --b

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