[erlang-bugs] issue with http:request

Kenji Rikitake kenji.rikitake@REDACTED
Wed Feb 10 12:33:20 CET 2010

I understand your problem, and I think that is a part of broader issue
of Unicode string handling in Erlang/OTP.

Kenji Rikitake

In the message <4B729880.2050800@REDACTED>
dated Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 02:28:40PM +0300,
Alexander Zhuravlev <a.zhuravlev@REDACTED> writes:
> On 2/10/10 1:52 PM, Kenji Rikitake wrote:
> >> 6>  http:request(head, {"http://これ概ね当たってる。www.page.sannet.ne.jp/mayuri/zyosei/mar_306.html", []}, [{timeout, 100}], []).
> > 
> > Can you directly write non-ASCII Unicode letters in the URL like this?
> > I guess not.  If the first part ends with .jp were a domain name, this
> > wouldn't be a legal one because this should have been encoded with IDN
> > (International Domain Name) encoding, which is represented in ASCII
> > only. This sort of domain name cannot be handled by DNS. (BTW this is a
> > mixed string of Japanese and English letters, FYI.)
> Yes, I know and too think that the URL is not correct, however
> erlang http client code (or underlying inets code?) does not handle
> this case correctly and just crash or hang, regardless of the fact that
> the function should have returned within 100 ms. It is just a question
> of correct input handling.

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