[erlang-questions] Watching mnesia transactions

Bernard Duggan bernie@REDACTED
Tue Feb 9 22:28:00 CET 2010

Håkan Mattsson wrote:
> Do keep in mind that if you implement a replication mechanism
> on top of Ulf's RDBMS or Mnesia's subscriptions (with or without
> Dannes extensions), you still need to handle potential recovery
> of the last transactions before a node crash.
Thanks for the warning.  As it turns out, in our particular scenario,
that's not so much of an issue.  For the time being, the legacy system's
data is recognised as authoritative, and we have a bunch of stuff
already in place to re-sync the erlang side to it in pretty much every
restart/reconnection scenario (at least, every one we've been able to
think of).

Definitely something for us to keep in mind, however, as we start to
consider shifting the authority to the erlang side.



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