[erlang-questions] Extrange output of Âs and varing times on erlang console when testing array_vs_tuples
Michael Truog
Sun Feb 7 22:00:02 CET 2010
Here is a version with other types added that you might be interested in:
Angel wrote:
> 1) The  symbol is related to the microsecond symbol and appears only when
> testing from the erlang console, where at bash level (konsole, and plain tty) the
> caracter is not shown.
> 2) The time rougly doubles in the erlang console. Calling the test funtion from
> bash via: "erl -noshell -run arr test" shown "proper" times.
> Can test code at: http://gist.github.com/266826 (Joel's github)
> sinchan@REDACTED:~/Documentos/Personal/Erlang/Code> erl -noshell -run arr test -run init stop
> Fixed-size array: get: 5354µs, set: 11242µs
> Extensible array: get: 5357µs, set: 10639µs
> Tuple: get: 1224µs, set: 441784µs
> Tree: get: 9409µs, set: 100486µs
> sinchan@REDACTED:~/Documentos/Personal/Erlang/Code> erl
> Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
> Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
> 1> arr:test().
> Fixed-size array: get: 11618µs, set: 28557µs
> Extensible array: get: 10083µs, set: 23536µs
> Tuple: get: 1218µs, set: 481610µs
> Tree: get: 9682µs, set: 102533µs
> ok
> 2> q().
> /angel
> Most people know C is not so high level....
> ...Everybody else just got assembler overdose
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