Ets match on a record vs Dialyzer

Zoltan Lajos Kis kiszl@REDACTED
Fri Sep 18 20:59:57 CEST 2009


I would like to match entries in an ets table based on some fields of 
records, as in the example module below.
When using the _='_' form for defining the "don't care" record fields, 
Dialyzer emits the following (reasonable) warnings:

rec.erl:6: Function p/0 has no local return
rec.erl:9: Record construction #rec{x::1,y::'_',z::'_'} violates the 
declared type for #rec{}

With multiple functions and modules, the no local return causes an an 
avalanche of further no local return's and never called's.

Of course I could redefine the field types as {x::integer()|'_', 
y::integer()|'_', z::integer()|'_'} but I would prefer another match 
syntax or Dialyzer directive if available. So what choices do I have?

Best Regards,



-record(rec, {x::integer(), y::integer(), z::integer()}).

p() ->
    ets:new(table, [named_table, {keypos, #rec.x}]),
    ets:insert(table, [#rec{x=1,y=2,z=3}, #rec{x=4,y=5,z=6}]),
    ets:match_object(table, #rec{x=1, _='_'}).

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