[erlang-questions] How to match on a nested record against a dict
Rob Charlton
Mon Nov 23 09:37:32 CET 2009
Hi Jarrod,
First off, to get the record definitions for #dns_rec and #dns_rr, you
need to include this line in your module (normally near the top):
Now I would code it something like:
{udp, _Socket, IP, InPortNo, Packet} ->
process_dnsrec(Sub,{error,E}) ->
%% do some error handling here (if required)
process_dnsrec(Sub,{ok,#dnsrec{anlist=Responses}) ->
%% Responses is a list of #dns_rr records, so we want to handle them one at a time
process_dnsrec1(_,[]) ->
%% no more responses
process_dnsrec1(Sub,[#dns_rr{domain=Dom}|Rest]) ->
%% lookup the domain field from the #dns_rr record
case dict:find(Dom,Sub) of
[Result] ->
io:format("Interesting domain ~p~n",[Result]);
error ->
%% do nothing for non-interesting domains
Jarrod Roberson wrote:
> I have the following data structure: it is a record as specified in
> inet_dns.hrl:
> {ok,{dns_rec,{dns_header,0,true,'query',true,false,false,false,false,0},
> [],
> [{dns_rr,"_see._tcp.local",ptr,in,0,0,
> "jhr@REDACTED",undefined,[],
> false}],
> [],[]}}
> I have the following code where Sub is a dict:
> receiver(Sub) ->
> receive
> {udp, _Socket, IP, InPortNo, Packet} ->
> DnsRec = inet_dns:decode(Packet),
> io:format("~n~nFrom: ~p~nPort: ~p~nData:
> ~p~n",[IP,InPortNo,DnsRec]),
> receiver(Sub);
> stop ->
> true;
> AnythingElse ->
> %io:format("RECEIVED: ~p~n",[AnythingElse]),
> receiver(Sub)
> end.
> I want to match on the "_see._tcp.local" and see if it is in the dns_rr
> record and only do the io:format() if that is in my subscriptions dict.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction of what idiom to use? This
> pattern matching stuff is difficult for us olde school if () ers
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