[ANN] Neotoma 1.3

Sean Cribbs seancribbs@REDACTED
Sat Nov 14 01:10:45 CET 2009

I'm pleased to announce yet another update to Neotoma.  The major 
features and changes in this release:

* Transformation/semantic analysis code can be written inline with the 
PEG, enclosed in backticks (`) before the concluding semi-colon for each 
reduction.  The variables available to your code are Node (the parse 
result, including transformed results of subtrees), and Idx (the current 
index into the input).
* To do an identity transformation on a rule (pass along the result 
unchanged), use the tilde (~) instead of backtick-quoted code.
* Extra functions for use inside your parser can be added to the end of 
the PEG, also enclosed in backticks (`).
* All internal uses of the process dictionary have been expunged and 
instead use the memoization table.
* All of the modules have been renamed and the parser re-bootstrapped. 
The most significant user-facing change is that 'peg_gen' is now called 
'neotoma'.  See 
for more details

What is Neotoma?

Neotoma is a packrat parser-generator for Erlang for Parsing Expression 
Grammars (PEGs). It consists of a parsing-combinator library with 
memoization routines, a parser for PEGs, and a utility to generate 
parsers from PEGs. It is inspired by treetop, a Ruby library with 
similar aims, and parsec, the parser-combinator library for Haskell.

Browse & Fork:  http://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma
Download:  http://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma/downloads
Source: git clone git://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma.git
Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/neotoma-erl


Sean Cribbs

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