[erlang-questions] weird mneisa/escript problem in r13

Håkan Mattsson hakan@REDACTED
Thu Nov 5 15:11:48 CET 2009

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:50 AM, Garry Hodgson <garry@REDACTED> wrote:
> Yogish Baliga wrote:
>> Looks like there is some shell interpretation going on.
>> What is the output of  application:get_all_env(mnesia)?
>> Also can you try without quotes?
> i've tried it both ways, as mentioned in the original post.  the problem is
> not getting this to work.  i can do that easily.  the problem is that it behaves
> so differently in two very similar versions r13b01 and r13b02.  i see nothing
> in the release notes to inidicate such a change, so i thought i'd mention it,
> in case it was a bug.

It was a bug, but it isn't anymore.

In earlier releases, the arguments on the escript line beginning with
%%! was passed to the virtual machine via an environment variable. As
a side effect of this the arguments was mangled a bit, causing some of
the quotation marks to disappear. This was fixed in Erts 5.7.3
(OTP-1060). The arguments are now passed to the VM as they are written
in the escript, without any mangling. Unfortunately this bug fix was
not documented. I hope that has not caused you too much trouble.

Håkan Mattsson (uabhams)
Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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