[erlang-questions] mnesia memory isn't freed after search ?

Leon de Rooij leon@REDACTED
Mon May 25 10:57:36 CEST 2009

Thanks a lot for the information ! I'll try it out when I'm at home  

Kind regards,


On May 25, 2009, at 12:42 AM, Richard Andrews wrote:

>> I'm doing some tests with Mnesia, trying to load a milion records and
>> read them, but apparently memory isn't freed after I do a search.  
>> After
>> ...
> Might be related to garbage collector behaviour. Memory isn't always  
> reclaimed straight away but rather hangs around for some (large)  
> nunmber of generations before being reclaimed. This is why lots of  
> small searches is more reliable: the amount of data per generation  
> is smaller, but the number of generations is constant.
> You can tweak garbage collection behaviour via erlang:spawn_opt  
> (also in gen_server options etc). In particular have a look at the  
> fullsweep_after option.
> You can use appmon or other debugging tools to find which processes  
> have a large heap. Manual garbage collection can be triggered with  
> erlang:garbage_collect(Pid). If this frees up the memory then  
> tweaking GC behaviour should solve your problem.
> --
>  Rich
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