[erlang-questions] Intended behaviour in ssl code?
Essien Essien
Fri May 22 15:10:01 CEST 2009
Hi all,
I have found some questionable code, which gives me undesirable
behaviour when using new_ssl with ssl-3.9 that comes with R12B3.
If I ask for 10 bytes and a {recv, 10} is sent, to the gen_fsm in
ssl_connection.erl and BytesToRead in the #state{} record will be
properly set to 10. Supposing the next time that data arrives, only 6
bytes come in, so I still need 4 bytes to get my 10 bytes. The code
will currently, buffer the 6 bytes that it has already read, and set
BytesToRead to 4. This will cause a problem the next time that data
comes in, b/cos suddently, all I'm looking for is 4 bytes, which will
be returned.
The actual culprit is the second case clause in the second clause of
deliver_application_data(Pid, Buffer, Active, _, 0, _, Mode, _)
when Active =/= false ->
send_user(Pid, user_data(Active, Buffer, Mode)),
{<<>>, 0, reply};
deliver_application_data(Pid, Buffer, Active, NewDataSize, BytesToRead, From,
Mode, BytesToStrip) ->
case Buffer of
% This is where BytesToRead comes back to byte us
% It only starts hurting the second time around, when
% the wrong value for BytesToRead becomes available
<<Read:BytesToRead/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
<<_:BytesToStrip/binary, Data/binary>> = Read,
send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, user_data(Active, Data, Mode)),
{Rest, 0, reply};
_ ->
% Here BytesToRead - NewDataSize is problematic
{Buffer, BytesToRead - NewDataSize, no_reply}
This function is called in application_data:
application_data(Data, #state{user_application = Pid,
socket_options = SocketOptions,
bytes_to_read = BytesToRead0,
from = From,
user_data_buffer = Buffer0} = State0) ->
#socket_options{active = Active, packet = Packet} = SocketOptions,
Mode = get_mode(SocketOptions),
Buffer1 = <<Buffer0/binary, Data/binary>>,
{BytesToRead1, BytesToStrip} =
check_packet(Packet, Buffer1, BytesToRead0),
BytesToRead2 = check_passive_0(Active, BytesToRead1, size(Buffer1)),
% Here deliver_applicatoin_data is called and the wrong value
% for BytesToRead is stored in the state, from where it will
% come back for us.
{Buffer, BytesToRead, Replied} =
deliver_application_data(Pid, Buffer1, Active, size(Data),
BytesToRead2, From, Mode, BytesToStrip),
State = State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer,
bytes_to_read = BytesToRead},
case {Replied, Active, Buffer} of
{no_reply, _, _} -> % no reply, we need more data
{reply, once, _} -> % reply, once, we set active false
State#state{socket_options =
SocketOptions#socket_options{active = false}};
{reply, false, _} -> % reply and passive, nothing more needed
State#state{from = undefined};
{reply, true, <<>>} -> % reply and empty buffer, we need more data
{reply, true, _} -> % reply and data left in buffer continue processing
application_data(<<>>, State)
To solve this, I have changed value returned by the second clause of
the case in deliver_application_data to: {Buffer, BytesToRead,
Which ensures that BytesToRead is always set to what the caller
intends. I have tested this with various scenarios and they all work
as expected.
Is this really a bug?
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