[erlang-questions] Native code for Windows/MacOS?

Illo de' Illis illo@REDACTED
Tue Jun 30 12:58:40 CEST 2009

On Jun 30, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Tuncer Ayaz wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Joel Reymont<joelr1@REDACTED>  
> wrote:
>> On Jun 30, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Kostis Sagonas wrote:
>>> Since, as it appears from the post above, HiPE works OK when Xcode  
>>> is
>>> installed if one uses --enable-hipe,
>> It doesn't or doesn't always. Richard O'Keefe had to install mach  
>> override
>> and I wasn't able to build at all. I don't know how it can possibly  
>> work for
>> Tuncer.
> It may very well be that the repl says HiPE is enabled but is not  
> going to work
> if I try to use it at runtime. Need to test that.

Hello there!

I've been using HiPE on a couple of x86 Mac machines (Core 2 Duo)  
running OSX Leopard for three months getting substantial benefits in  
terms of speed. All I did was compile the Erlang/OTP source package  
with --enable-hipe (after installing the apple developer SDK of  
course), and have my Erlang sources compiled with +native +'{hipe,  
[verbose, o2]}'. I've been trying with both native and beam  
compilation, and the mean performance gain has been of about 25% when  
running native code. Still I cannot say anything in terms of overall  
stability since the tests have been performed on my sources only and  
without any deeper understanding of the internals of the HiPE- 
generated code.


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