[erlang-questions] mnesia range queries
Evans, Matthew
Wed Jun 17 14:07:28 CEST 2009
Something like this should work, assuming the operation is dirty, and your date is expressed as epoch time:
Guard = [{'>=','$2',Date}],
Match = #foo{
field_a = '$1',
creation_date = '$2',
other_data = '$3',
more_data = '$4'},
Result = ['$1,'$2','$3','$4'],
mnesia:dirty_select(foo,[{Match, Guard, [Result]}],10,read),
The problem can often be that select with a range (that's what the 10,read does) is slow. You might be better doing:
Guard = [{'>=','$2',Date},{'<','$2',Date+UpperLimit}],
Match = #foo{
field_a = '$1',
creation_date = '$2',
other_data = '$3',
more_data = '$4'},
Result = ['$1,'$2','$3','$4'],
mnesia:dirty_select(foo,[{Match, Guard, [Result]}]),
Where upper limit does the work of the select 10 results. I've not tested this code, but the principle should work (I've only used select, not dirty_select before, but they should work the same).
If you want to further qualify the search you can assign values/keys to the fields in the Match record structure.
The result should be a list of lists, you might need to write a simple function that'll sort the returned values if they aren't in order (I don't know what'll happen if you make the date a key in the table creation function, if it'll try to sort them for you automatically).
From: erlang-questions@REDACTED [erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of Yariv Sadan [yarivvv@REDACTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 2:28 AM
To: erlang-questions
Subject: [erlang-questions] mnesia range queries
What's the simplest, most efficient way of expressing the following
sql query in mnesia:
"SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY creation_date LIMIT 500,10"
Btw, I don't care about transactions.
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