[erlang-questions] Re: Learn you some Erlang for great good!

Fred Hebert (MononcQc) mononcqc@REDACTED
Wed Jul 29 13:52:59 CEST 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:14 AM, <ttmrichter@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Jul 29, 2009 11:44am, "Fred Hebert (MononcQc)" <mononcqc@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> > However, I intend for the first chapters released to be spotless; If the
> > tutorial is linked to other sites while it contains broken code, spelling
> or
> > grammar mistakes and/or plainly wrong information, it is  more than
> likely
> > to gain a bad reputation that will never go away.
> > I'm aiming for a good first impression to start on solid bases, then I'm
> > going to relax and make things more open afterwards.
> I'm willing to help proof. (As an English teacher I proof-read stuff all
> the time.)
> On the subject of code, however, I recommend a simple pre-processing step
> that extracts the code in some way and actually executes it as part and
> parcel of building your web page. If the code fails (unexpectedly, that is
> -- use eunit or something similar as your test engine to help with expected
> vs. unexpected errors), your document simply doesn't get published. This is,
> apparently, how the code in the Real World Haskell book was done and, so
> far, I've not found any code errors in that book -- something positively
> shocking in my experience.

Having code extracted and executed is a really good idea. I'm going to see
what I can do to build a system like that, if not just having tests on the
side maintained manually.

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