[erlang-questions] Re: Learn you some Erlang for great good!

ttmrichter@REDACTED ttmrichter@REDACTED
Wed Jul 29 13:14:56 CEST 2009

On Jul 29, 2009 11:44am, "Fred Hebert (MononcQc)" <mononcqc@REDACTED>  
> However, I intend for the first chapters released to be spotless; If the
> tutorial is linked to other sites while it contains broken code, spelling  
> or
> grammar mistakes and/or plainly wrong information, it is more than likely
> to gain a bad reputation that will never go away.

> I'm aiming for a good first impression to start on solid bases, then I'm
> going to relax and make things more open afterwards.

I'm willing to help proof. (As an English teacher I proof-read stuff all  
the time.)

On the subject of code, however, I recommend a simple pre-processing step  
that extracts the code in some way and actually executes it as part and  
parcel of building your web page. If the code fails (unexpectedly, that is  
-- use eunit or something similar as your test engine to help with expected  
vs. unexpected errors), your document simply doesn't get published. This  
is, apparently, how the code in the Real World Haskell book was done and,  
so far, I've not found any code errors in that book -- something positively  
shocking in my experience.

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