[erlang-questions] Seattle Erlounge Happens in 21 h 38 m

Charles Thompson charleswthompsoniii@REDACTED
Wed Jan 21 08:02:28 CET 2009

Dear coffee drinking, flannel shirt wearing, Seattle-based Erlang junkies,

In 21 hours and some change, throw some wool socks on, step into your
Birkenstocks, then head over to The Garage, a place that's probably
too liberal for those suffering from inaugural hangovers. There you
will find at least three people sharing the Erlang gospel.

If you're interested in Erlang -- get there. If you're Joe Armstrong
-- get there. If you haven't programmed since your mom tossed out your
Commodore 64 -- it's not too late. Get there.

Details at: http://erloungeseattle.org/

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Charles Thompson
(360) 941-1762

Charles Thompson
(360) 941-1762

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