[erlang-questions] IPC bus for Erlang?

Camille Troillard tuscland@REDACTED
Thu Apr 2 23:05:22 CEST 2009

Hi Steve,

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Steve Davis

> I've been working on a library that does much of what you describe. It
> wraps for the cross-platform GUI library 'wx' that appeared in R13A
> release of Erlang/OTP.

Yes, I have tested that on Windows and it worked well.
However, on Mac OS X it compiles but I get :

Erlang R13A (erts-5.7) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe]

Eshell V5.7  (abort with ^G)
1> sudoku:start().
=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Apr-2009::22:06:50 ===
WX Failed loading
** exception error:
2): Symbol not found: __ZN10wxGLCanvas20MacVisibilityChangedEv\n
Referenced from:
 Expected in: flat namespace\n"}
     in function  wxe_server:start/0
     in call from wx:new/0
     in call from sudoku_gui:new/1
     in call from timer:tc/3
     in call from sudoku:tc/3
     in call from sudoku:init/1

I didn't find the origin of this problem.
However, I searched and found the symbol was defined in the wxWidgets
library included with Mac OS X (libwx_macud_gl-  Why the
library is not dynamically loaded is a mystery to me.

This interface runs the UI as a separate process (a gen_server), it
> allows you to specify the application GUI in XML which makes it very
> easy to design/modify/update. It allows you to pass in a callback
> module to use for the UI issued commands. So it's pretty close to your
> design target.

It looks very interesting.
However, my application will need to use a widespread format, so any user
that has basic skill in HTML can write simple extensions.

The problem is that I only started development of this library less
> than a month ago, it's as yet unfinished, and as yet badly documented
> as it's a work in rapid progress.
> However you may wish to keep an eye on:
> http://github.com/komone/gx

I am interested in anything that touches close of far GUI and Erlang.
I will have a look, thanks!

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