[erlang-questions] splitting string into to substring
Søren Hilmer
Thu Sep 11 10:37:45 CEST 2008
What about something like this:
split(S,P) ->
split_h (S,P,[]).
split_h([],_P,H) -> {lists:reverse(H), []};
split_h(S,P,H) ->
case lists:prefix(P,S) of
true -> {lists:reverse(H), lists:nthtail(length(P),S)};
false -> [A|S2] = S, split_h(S2,P,[A|H])
Søren Hilmer, M.Sc., M.Crypt.
wideTrail Phone: +45 25481225
Pilevænget 41 Email: sh@REDACTED
DK-8961 Allingåbro Web: www.widetrail.dk
On Thu, September 11, 2008 00:19, Yunita C wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am new to erlang and I want to write Erlang function that given a
> string and a pattern and uses the pattern to split the string into like
> this:
> For example if the pattern is "ab" and the string is "acabcabts" the code
> will return ["ac", "cabts"].
> If the pattern is "bc" and the string is "bcad" the code returns ["", ad].
> If the pattern is "ac" and the string is "bcad" the code will return
> ["bcad", ""].
> I'm trying to make function using list but still stuck there. Can anybody
> help me? Thank's so much.
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