[erlang-questions] Problems Creating First Target System

Brian Troutwine goofyheadedpunk@REDACTED
Thu Sep 11 01:01:51 CEST 2008

I'm following the OTP Design Principles document in creating my first
release, but am having difficulties getting the system to boot
properly. I would appreciate help in fixing my errors. Here is my .rel

{release, {"Aule", "production-1"}, {erts, "5.6.3"},
 [{kernel, "2.12.3"},
  {stdlib, "1.15.3"},
  {sasl, ""},
  {inets, "5.0.9"},
  {ecouch, "0.1"},
  {parse_app, "0.0.1"},
  {dispatch, "0.0.1"},
  {warehouse, "0.0.1"},
  {a_interface, "0.0.1"},
  {aule, "0.0.1"}]}.

Following the guide I issue

> systools:make_script("aule", [local]).

and receive an aule.boot file. I then run

$ erl -pa dispatch/ebin/ a_interface/ebin/ aule/ebin/ parse/ebin/
warehouse/ebin/ ../ecouch/ebin boot aule

but only inets, ecouch, stdlib and kernel start. My custom
applications (parse_app, dispatch, warehouse, a_interface and aule) do
not start, though nothing stops me from starting them manually. When
started manually the system runs appropriately. I do not understand
why this has failed.


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