[erlang-questions] Article on Erlang in ACM Queue

Nicolas Niclausse nicolas@REDACTED
Fri Oct 10 16:01:22 CEST 2008

Whit Armstrong ecrivait le 10.10.2008 15:21:
> I'm new to Erlang. I've been considering it for a few simulation
> projects in finance.  However, I was discouraged because the ACM
> article suggests that Erlang has poor floating point performance.
> Are any list members using Erlang for numerical simulations?  If so,
> do you have any advice on how to how to improve efficiency?  What
> about using binaries to store vectors of doubles?  Are there any
> extensions of Erlang that allow one to do that?

Take a look at the slides
"High-performance Technical Computing with Erlang "

recently published in http://www.erlang.org/workshop/2008/

It seems very promising. I'm waiting for a code release  !


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