[erlang-questions] re cursive fun()

Richard O'Keefe ok@REDACTED
Tue Oct 7 04:43:19 CEST 2008

On 6 Oct 2008, at 3:11 am, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
>    About this subject, I would ask if isn't it better / easier /
> clearer to add a special function name / keyword that would refer to
> the function itself. This would also have a few advantages:

Please write an EEP about this.

>    * first it will solve the recursivity problem described above;

The particular example here seems to be one that would have been
better addressed using existing debugging tools.

Recursiveness is not a problem; it's *anonymous* recursive
>    * (maybe) it could also improve efficiency (because you know
> exactly what function you're calling, without any lookup); (this is
> just an assumption, maybe inside the beam file the lookup does not
> exist); (certainly it is more efficient than the proposed solution ---
> sending the function as an argument;)

The best recommendation that has been given is to use a plain
ordinary top level function.  This is _already_ more efficient
than anything based on funs could be (because it is _certain_
not to need to unpack or repack outer variables), and it is
certainly easier to get your head around (*some* variables
in a function refer to outer variables, *some* do not,
despite having the same name as outer variables).

>    * it will assist in refactoring --- changing a recursive function
> name will have no impact on it's code;

Yes it will.  Suppose we add something like

	Factorial = fun:Self (N) when N >  1 -> N*Self(N-1)
                            ; (N) when N >= 0 -> 1
         [Factorial(X) || X <- [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5]]

Changing "Self" in one place means it had better be changed
in other places.  For that matter, changing "Factorial" in
one place means it has to be changed in other places.

>    * it could clearly mark the fact that the function calls itself.

It's hard to see how.  The mere existence of a mark (such as :Self)
is no guarantee that the body of the function *uses* it.  And if
you are thinking in terms of something like this_fun(), please,
we've suffered enough from C already, and don't need any more like
that.  Consider

	F = fun:Outer (...) ->
	    ... G = fun:Inner (...) ->
		    ... Inner(X) ...
		    ... Outer(Y) ...
	    ... Outer ... G ...

With a hook like this, the inner function can not only refer to
itself, but also to the function that contains it.  With a
'this_fun()' approach, it can't.

>    As for disadvantages I really do not see any.

Try looking just a _little_ harder.

>    P.S.: I think this solution could be equally applied to all
> languages (mainly Lisp like).

Most functional languages don't *need* it because they
have 'letrec'.  (In Lisp it's called 'labels'.)
Even BCPL had letrec,
	let F(...) = E1
	and G(...) = E2
	and H(...) = E3
was a letrec in which F G and H could refer to each other.

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