[erlang-questions] Report errors when using "-detached" option

Michael McDaniel erlangy@REDACTED
Wed Nov 12 21:39:21 CET 2008

 If I use -detached and want to start from scripts (on Linux),
 I use something like...

 export LOGS=/some/path/to/logs

 if ! $(test -d ${LOGS}) ; then
   echo "directory ${LOGS} does not exist"


 to check for directories or files (run 'man test' for all the flags).

 I do not know about MS Windows.


On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 09:02:58PM +0100, ERLANG wrote:
> Hi List,
> Sometimes,  I've to start my erlang applications with "-detached"  
> option.
> Suppose that an application needs a directory somewhere to be able to  
> run.
> If this directory is missing, nothing is reported in the shell du to  
> the "-detached" option.
> So my question is related to how to report any error when using "- 
> detached"?
> My erlang apps are usually started from shell scripts. It'll be very  
> helpful if the erlang app can report
> errors with an "exit" code status different from 0. The shell script  
> will use this exit code to throw
> the error to a higher level.
> I'm not interested to use the error logger to solve this problem.
> Regards
> Y.
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Michael McDaniel
Portland, Oregon, USA

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