[erlang-questions] is there an elephant in the room? mnesia network partition

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Sun Nov 2 18:23:31 CET 2008

I'm looking to launch a poker 'social network', the first and only one  
where you can actually play poker. I'm hesitant to go full-way with  
Mnesia, though, and wonder how others are handling this.

I googled and poked around but there seems to be an elephant in the  
room and no one is talking about it. The elephant is that Mnesia does  
not self-heal after network splits.

Could it be that this is a solved problem or has anyone avoided it  
because their data model does not require self-healing? How do big  
projects deal with it? Ericsson?

I would like to run a few Mnesia nodes for high availability but it  
positively don't want my databases to diverge and I don't want to deal  
with reconciling the databases later.

Strictly speaking, I could keep mnesia as a transient data store and  
keep my master database in a non-Erlang database. I just thought I'd  
poll the community regardless.

	Thanks, Joel


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