[erlang-questions] 64-bit dets (was Re: 64-bit fragmented mnesia table benefits?)

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_erlang@REDACTED
Wed Mar 26 09:37:46 CET 2008

--- Philip Robinson <chlorophil@REDACTED> wrote:

> It sounds like any 64-bit mnesia caveats that remain
> are with
> disk-based mnesia tables.

Also, dear OTP team, is there some sort of roadmap to
64-bit dets? I assume there is more of a problem in
doing this than just extending all 'disk pointers'
inside dets to twice the usual size? Can the community

Nowadays, you can basically mmap() your 32-bit address
space to a corner of the available RAM ... A rapidly
shrinking corner, at that. Let's change that :-)


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