[erlang-questions] Speeding up text file I/O

Florian Weimer fw@REDACTED
Mon Jan 7 14:36:12 CET 2008

* Florian Weimer:

>     % ok = io:setopts(S, [binary]),

I should have mentioned that this line is commented out because calling
io:setops returns {error, terminated}, due to some kind of internal
failure I don't understand:

=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Jan-2008::14:20:24 ===
Error in process <0.129.0> with exit value: {{case_clause,{ok,ok,{state,{file_descriptor,prim_file,{#Port<0.172>,7}},<0.122.0>,#Ref<>,<<0 bytes>>,binary}}},[{file_io_server,server_loop,1}]}

=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Jan-2008::14:20:24 ===
Error in process <0.122.0> with exit value: {{badmatch,{error,terminated}},[{wc,process,1},{erl_eval,do_apply,5},{shell,exprs,6},{shell,eval_loop,3}]}

** exited: {{badmatch,{error,terminated}},
             {shell,eval_loop,3}]} **

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