[erlang-questions] The reason for "no case clause matching" error?

Yoel Jacobsen yoel@REDACTED
Tue Jan 1 13:08:49 CET 2008


I want to implement some sort of list partitioning in Erlang.

The ppar function should work like that:

ppar [2,2,3] -> [[[2],[2],[3]], [[2],[2,3]], [[2,2],[3]],[ [2,2,3]]]
ppar [2,2,3,4] -> [[[2],[2],[3],[4]], [[2],[2],[3,4]], [[2],[2,3],[4]],
[[2],[2,3,4]], [[2,2],[3],[4]], [[2,2],[3,4]], [[2,2,3],[4]], [[2,2,3,4]]]

This is the code I have written:


sp(Lhs, []) ->
sp(Lhs, Rhs) ->
    [lists:append([Lhs], P) || P <- ppar(Rhs)].

ppar([]) ->
ppar([H|[]]) ->
ppar(Lst)  ->
    [SP ||
    N <- lists:seq(1,length(Lst)),
    Lhs = lists:sublist(Lst, 1, N),
    Rhs = lists:sublist(Lst, N+1, length(Lst)),
    SP <- sp(Lhs, Rhs)].

Yet, when I try it I get an error:

1> ppar:ppar([1,2,3]).
** exception error: no case clause matching [1]
     in function  ppar:'-ppar/1-lc$^0/1-0-'/2

Why is that?


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