[erlang-questions] Open CouchDB Event in London, August 26th, 18:30
David Mitchell
Fri Aug 22 06:11:44 CEST 2008
G'day Jan,
Any chance that your session will be captured on video and made
generally available?
CouchDB is one of those projects that I'm very interested in, but I
don't have an immediate use for it so I'm only across it at a fairly
broad level. I'd be interested to find out where you think it's a
good or bad choice; I've formed an impression based on what I've read,
but would like to see it being discussed in some sort of forum.
Also, it's a wee bit hard to get there from Australia, well, unless I
want to pay for wife and kids to fly over as well...
Dave Mitchell
2008/8/21 Jan Lehnardt <jan@REDACTED>:
> Dear CouchDB Folks,
> sorry for the shameless self-promotion:
> This is a bit of a short notice, and I apologise, but things
> moved quickly here.
> I'll be spending three couchy days in London next week. On
> Tuesday night, that is the 26th, I'll be speaking about CouchDB[1]
> at Erlang Training and Consulting[2] starting 6:30 pm. And you are
> all invited!
> The event is free! You just need to register[3].
> If you can't make it and want to grab a cold beverage or anything,
> just drop me a line.
> Cheers
> Jan
> --
> [1] http://www.erlang-consulting.com/erlang/events.html#63
> [2] http://www.erlang-consulting.com/
> [3] http://www.erlang-consulting.com/erlang/usergroup/erlanglondon/lugregister.html?event=Couch%20DB%20at%2010,000%20ft
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