[erlang-questions] Error: bad value on output port ‘tcp_inet'.

Todd Lipcon todd@REDACTED
Sun Aug 17 22:34:59 CEST 2008

Hi Enhnaran,

My guess is that you're sending the wrong data type for one of the elements
in your "data" thrift struct. Can you paste the thrift definition for your
'data' struct along with the actual data you're trying to send?

You'll get this error out of thrift if you try to send an atom where you
meant to send a binary, for example.


2008/8/17 Enhnaran Alexander <enhnaran@REDACTED>

> Hi,
> I am now using Thrift, a lightweight, language-independent software stack.
> I use this to communicate and transfer data between servers on which are
> deployed system written in different languages. So when I call
>             thrift_client:call(Client, Func, Args)
> which encapsulates call to
>             gen_server:call(Client, {Client, Func, Args}),
> with the parameters like this:
>             thrift_client:call(Client, myFunc, [[{data, "f1", "f2", ...,
> "fn"}]]),
> it prompts out ERROR REPORT saying "Bad value on output port 'tcp_inet'".
> I have asked Mr. Google for help and only to find some answers. It is said
> that a list or binary should be passed in, and if something like a tuple or
> so is passed as a parameter, then such an error occurs. But I didn't at all
> pass a tuple or anything but a list, so then why did this take place?
> Thanks
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