[erlang-questions] Amazon S3 and SQS implemenation in Erlang

john s wolter johnswolter@REDACTED
Sat Aug 16 05:42:22 CEST 2008


"Pushing beyond the bounds of reality" is just what is needed to handle the
web services future.  Current ways of scaling data centers and web
applications requires a good sized pitch of money.  When, not if, these kind
of infrastructures are built, mashing-up a new worldwide company's virtual
IT infrastructure will be easy.   Planet sized problems will have the needed
technical resources.

Erlang's features or its successors will be of vital help.  They give us a a
glimpse of Things to Come <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Things_to_Come>.
Where will it end?  Given these capabilities the answer is "Y" of course go

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Jon Singler <jonsingler@REDACTED> wrote:

> > What I'm looking after is a free, simple, and reliable (with
> > replication suport) library to store large
> > number (thousands to million) of very big files (>1gb per file) on
> > secondary storage.
> What you're looking for doesn't exist and can't exist. You're asking
> for something "simple" that is also "reliable (with replication
> support)" for storing huge numbers of huge files. Any system that is
> the latter cannot possibly be the former. Asking for it to be free as
> well is really pushing beyond the bounds of reality.
> Among the non-free alternatives, I doubt that you're going to be able
> to find anything simpler or more reliable than S3, with a management
> layer on top.
> But best of luck to you in your quest :-)
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John S. Wolter President
Wolter Works
Desk 1-734-665-1263
Cell: 1-734-904-8433
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