[erlang-questions] Forget Erlang on the Java VM. More language on the Erlang VM are needed!

Michael Regen michael.regen@REDACTED
Wed Nov 28 17:00:13 CET 2007

On Nov 28, 2007 4:04 PM, Joel Reymont <joelr1@REDACTED> wrote:
> I may be wrong here but the advantages of using Java over Erlang for
> the CIO lie not so much in the technical merits of Java as in the deep
> pool of Java developers.

On Nov 28, 2007 4:11 PM, Sean Hinde <sean.hinde@REDACTED> wrote:
> My experience has shown that if you want to persuade a CIO of this
> mindset to use a new fancy programming language, then the choice of VM
> is a detail of miniscule importance.

> Arguments are much more about support, availability of programming
> resource (including option to outsource if the in house team proves
> too troublesome or expensive) etc etc.

I was silently referring to outsourced or ready to buy solutions. Where CIO
dream about: No in-house development but outsourcing and buying solutions.
And technologies like SOA, etc. give you interoperability.
I was approaching the topic rather from the external integrator's view - not
from the internal perspective. And then the pool of developers, support,
etc. is your problem regardless of your solution's programming language.

Your customer's CIO wants a solution which works, is cheap, future proof,
reliable and fits into the company's strategic and environment. Not
necessarily in this order.
Under this scenario the least they want to do is to touch your solution's
code. Which makes the underlying programming language not _that_ important.
More important are of course your qualities as an integrator/solution
provider (many different aspects) and: Does this solution fit into my
environment? Is this VM really stable? Who is Ericsson? (SCNR) Can we trust
the solution's stability given that not many other companies have any
experince with it and my CIO magazine never mentioned a product based on the
whole concept? Is it based on technologies we already use or do I have to
send all our admins to courses? Etc, etc.

If we can say, our solution is based on Erlang but it runs in your well
known and proven Java environment, you can much easier give answers to their
questions. BTW: this is also true if you see it from the internal viewpoint.

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