[erlang-questions] Offset calculation in bit syntax

Hynek Vychodil vychodil.hynek@REDACTED
Mon Nov 26 14:08:39 CET 2007

There is bug in your code I think.

Correct code should be:

decode(<<L:8/unsigned, R/binary>>) ->
  Len =  (L - 16#20)*8,
  <<Rest:Len/unsigned, _/binary>> = R,

--Hynek (Pichi) Vychodil

On 11/22/07, Ben Hood <0x6e6562@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to parse the following byte sequence where the first byte indicates
> the payload length if the
> payload length in 15 bytes or less, e.g. the 3 byte payload
> x01 x02 x03
> will be encoded as
> 0x23 x01 x02 x03
> with 0x23 - 0x20 = 3, the length of the payload.
> So when I parse it, I'd like to use a bit syntax similar to following:
> decode(<< Len:8/unsigned, Rest:(Len - 16#20)/unsigned>>) ->
>  <<Rest>>.
> But this is an illegal bit size.
> Is there an elegant way around this?
> Thx,
> Ben
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