[erlang-questions] Erlang & PostgreSQL native driver

Christian S chsu79@REDACTED
Fri Nov 16 00:10:41 CET 2007

2007/11/15, Daniel Caune <daniel.caune@REDACTED>:
> Hi,
> I did a small patch on the file pgsql_util.erl to support PostgreSQL function that returns void.  I'm contacting Christian Sunesson to ask him whether he would like to integrate this patch in CVS.

Hi, I just committed the change you wanted. Thanks for making pgsql better.

I would not be amazed if process one's native postgres driver is of
higher quality, since I have  put off writing tests to verify
correctness in mine. Please write back to me if this is so, some
insightful days I consider withdrawing my pgsql so it doesnt waste
people's time. I just havent had much reason to use postgres from
erlang to do that.

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