[erlang-questions] Run external program with arguments

Anders Dahlin anders@REDACTED
Wed Nov 14 17:26:14 CET 2007

Except foldr will produce a reversed result, so foldl is a better choice.


Torbjorn Tornkvist wrote:
> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> The easiest way is to perform shell quoting over the command you
>> want... take a look at mochiweb_util:cmd_port/2.
>> http://mochiweb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/mochiweb_util.erl
> Hm...that join function. Couldn't it be written like:
> %%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %% @spec implode(Str::string(), Sep::string()) -> string()
> %%
> %% @doc  split text at first occurence of Char (Char is not include in
> Before
> %%       or After parts)
> %%
> %%  Example:  implode(["a","b","c"], ".") => "a.b.c"
> %%
> %%
> @end------------------------------------------------------------------------
> implode(Data, Seperator) when is_list(Data) andalso is_list(Seperator) ->
>     lists:foldr(fun(X,[]) -> X; (X,Acc) -> X++Seperator++Acc end, "", Data).
> Cheers, Tobbe
>> -bob
>> On 11/14/07, Alexander Zhukov <azhukov@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Is there a way to run an external program from Erlang program with
>>> arguments?
>>> I like to be able to write something like this:
>>> Port = open_port({spawn, Ext_prog_name}, [stream, {args, ["-c", "file", "-d"]}]),
>>> but so far I can't find a way to run a program with arguments.
>>> Yes, I know I can write a wrapper script but I do not like such an
>>> approach.
>>> --
>>> Alexander Zhukov
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