[erlang-questions] Lets build a stock exchange!

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Mon Nov 12 02:05:21 CET 2007


On Nov 11, 2007, at 9:45 PM, Joe Armstrong wrote:

> I have no idea whether it would succeed or fail - if it succeeds  
> then (gulp)
> If it fails the interesting thing is not that it failed but WHY it  
> failed.

I plan to either succeed or fail spectacularly. Either way there will  
be a great lesson to learn.

> If Joel can in any way structure the problem then there are loads of
> us that can try and
> write the individual bits.

I still haven't figured out how to incorporate community feedback. I  
did create a Google group where the book and ideas can be discussed,  
though. See http://groups.google.com/group/hardcore_erlang.

I assume that not everyone interested in the book or the stock  
exchange software will be a subscriber to this list.

I doubt I will have time to run a full-scale open source project in  
addition to writing the book and managing my regular consulting  
assignments. I'll sure I will run into software problems along the  
way, though. I will put those problems into context and ask for help  

Once the book is written, I should have plenty of time to further  
develop the concept and associated software.

	Thanks, Joel


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