[erlang-questions] Design question: addressing multiple e.g. gen_server instances?

Tue Nov 6 01:34:12 CET 2007

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 17:26:52 -0600
> Von: Rick Pettit <rpettit@REDACTED>
> On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 11:57:34PM +0100, nindeu@REDACTED wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a design question that puzzles me since quite some time and so
> far I did not find any satisfying example or other hint to answer my
> question. Maybe someone of you has a good idea. I will also explain how I
> approached this so far. Your input is very welcome!
> > And sorry if this mail becomes a bit long!
> I don't have time to give a proper answer at this time, but here are a 
> couple comments:
>   1) the email subject should have the topic "how" keyword in it
>   2) take a look at pg2(3) => erl -man pg2
> -Rick

Sorry, Rick, it was not my intention to break the rules of this mailing list. Where can they be found?

Regarding pg2: If one interprets process groups as the same as what I called domain in my example, then pg2 is the same as my process registry with additional support for distributed processes and lacking support for specific process attributes.
I guess at the end in my system a process needs to find another process by querying for: class ('I am searching for a parser...'), function API ('... which supports getLine/2') in its process group/domain. And as answer it will need the module where the target's API is implemented as well as the process' PID or name/node.

Pg2 is interesting. Bit cleaner than my version. ;)
Should have found that myself but I still haven't internalize the whole library functions.

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