[erlang-questions] Emacs Erlang-mode peculiarity

Bill Clementson billclem@REDACTED
Sun Nov 4 00:17:35 CET 2007

"Kirill Zaborski" <qrilka@REDACTED> writes:

> Probably you've got this snippet from Bill Clementson's blogpost, that was discussed in the maillist some months before, you should escape emacs
> metacharacters and so e.g.:
> ("M-?"    erl-complete)
> becomes:
> ("\M-?"    erl-complete)

Yes, in my original blog post, I forgot to "escape" the backslash
characters in the code (which meant that they didn't appear in the
html). I have since corrected the post:

Sorry for any hassles this has caused.

Bill Clementson

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