[erlang-questions] spawn problem

Fernando Ipar fipar@REDACTED
Tue Mar 27 16:03:47 CEST 2007

I'll take a look at it.
My fault is that I usually look for open source in sourceforge, and 
there aren't many
erlang projects there except for jungerl, openmonet and maybe a few others.



t ty wrote:
> if you are interested in load testing an external program then have a
> look into tsung (http://www.process-one.net/en/tsung/).  Its open
> source and written in Erlang.
> The number of open files error looks too similar to your 'open file'
> limit of 1024. I'm guessing here, but a shell spawn would take up 2
> open file descriptors (stdin & stdout). 504 * 2 isn't 1024 but the
> Erlang itself might have some open ones. Trying upping that limit to
> test.
> t

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