[erlang-questions] Cannot compile file using CEAN distribution

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Wed Mar 7 08:58:12 CET 2007

On 2007-03-07 06:14, Ashok P. Nadkarni wrote:
> I'm just starting on learning Erlang so apologies in advance if this 
> question has an obvious answer. (BTW, is there a separate mailing list 
> for novices?)

there is just erlang-questions for questions. when/if the traffic about 
cean gets too much there might be a need for a separate list.

> Platform is Windows XP.
> I wrote a simple module x.erl. When I compile it from the werl that 
> comes in the R11B3 distribution using "c(x).", everything works fine. 
> However, when I try to compile the file from the werl that comes with 
> the CEAN distribution, I get the following error:

> I assume this means the compile module was not found? 

you are correct. the compiler is not in the base cean install.

> I tried
> cean:install(compiler) but that generates the error "hipe package" not 
> found (or some such).
> What am I doing wrong with CEAN?

you are doing the right thing. cean:install(compiler) should have 
installed the compiler for you. i will try to solve the problem (warning 
i do not have a windows machine)

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    solely in a computer program then the subject matter is not
    patentable in whatever manner it may be presented in the claims."

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