[erlang-questions] edoc: easy question

Robert Baruch autophile@REDACTED
Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 CET 2007

Hi all,

Hopefully this should be an easy question for someone to answer! I  
have a file structure as follows in my directory:


where file1.erl has -module(file1) and file2.erl has -module 

To generate all documentation, I've been trying to run edoc as:

 > erl -noshell -run edoc_run packages '[""]' '[{dir, "doc"},  
{source_path, "src"}]'
edoc: edoc terminated abnormally: {function_clause,

 > erl -noshell -run edoc_run packages '[]' '[{dir, "doc"},  
{source_path, "src"}]'
edoc: edoc terminated abnormally: {function_clause,

So... how do I specify that all documentation should be generated?



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