Language Bindings for Erlang Again

Michel Urvoy michel.urvoy@REDACTED
Mon Jun 5 01:54:25 CEST 2006

2006/6/3, Thomas Lindgren <thomasl_erlang@REDACTED>:
> --- Michel Urvoy <michel.urvoy@REDACTED> wrote:
> > The other point of view is to open Erlang to other
> > language, because
> > what is to notice about Erlang? Everybody says that
> > it's a very
> > attractive language, but as far as I can see, it is
> > very few used.
> > This is the paradox of Erlang.
> > For example, there is now millions of web site, but
> > who knows one site written in Erlang?
> Look harder.

Right, I found one real commercial site, a bank:

> > And the choice of Erlang (+C) and nothing else is
> > not very easy when
> > you have on the shelf a lot of code you will not be
> > able to reuse.
> If that's what you believe, maybe you should read the
> documentation a bit more closely.
Right again, there is the java node interface (Jinterface), but my
purpose was more to reuse old Pascal or Fortran code.

> > Furthermore I should be able to use the hot
> > replacement code mechanism
> > on the two nodes to update the foreign code.
> Hot code loading for other languages is not an Erlang
> issue.

If you say so! But it could be. I've not seen in the documentation it was not.

> Basically, it sounds like you are inventing problems
> where there aren't any. Why?

I'm sorry Thomas, I've no answer for this point, but your question is
a kind of answer to my Erlang paradox.
Friendly, Michel.

> Best,
> Thomas
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