Best practices: get/put
Pascal Brisset
Mon Jan 30 02:06:22 CET 2006
> The best practices document says that one should avoid using get/put do
> store data in the process dictionary. I'm guessing that in gen_servers,
> that information should actually be stored in the various State
> parameters/returns, right?
Some people have suggested using the process dictionary with a
strict "single-assignment" or "write-once, read-many" policy.
I find this acceptable and useful in some cases, e.g. when the
state of a gen_server is so simple that encapsulating it in a
record together with persistent configuration data would add
too much syntactic overhead:
| init(Config) ->
| put(foo,,
| put(bar,,
| {ok, queue:new()}.
| handle_call(Call, From, Queue) ->
| R = f(Call, get(foo)),
| X = g(Call, get(bar)),
| {reply, R, queue:in(X,Queue)}.
The idea is to have some kind of process-local naming scope.
Actually I would rather do it with a closure, if this didn't
deprive me of most of the benefits of using a gen_server:
| server(Config) ->
| Foo =,
| Bar =,
| loop(queue:new(), fun(Call,From,Queue) ->
| R = f(Call, Foo),
| X = g(Call, Bar),
| {reply, R, queue:in(X,Queue)}
| end).
-- Pascal
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