JSON library

James Larson jalarson@REDACTED
Mon Jan 23 22:23:17 CET 2006

Here (finally) is our JSON (http://json.org) library for Erlang.  It's a 
simple standalone module rather than an application.  It's offered under 
the Erlang License v1.1.

Based on previous discussion on the list, we changed the representation 
of JSON objects from dicts to tagged proplists.  We're keeping JSON 
strings as Erlang strings, rather than Erlang binaries, as we didn't 
want to hardcode any particular Unicode format.  It's surprisingly 
useful to represent JSON arrays as Erlang tuples, rather than Erlang 
lists, as it allows many Erlang data types, such as now() timestamps or 
inet addrs, to be directly converted.

Please send bugs/fixes/contributions to the authors.


Jim Larson
A2Z Development, Inc.  ("An Amazon.com Company")

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