Troubleshooting a high-load scenario

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Tue Jan 17 13:21:11 CET 2006

Assume that there are 10 bots sitting at a table and playing.
For every message that a bot sends to the poker server there will be
at least 10 messages and probably more like 20-30 sent to each bot
by the poker server.

It appears that the bots cannot cope with such an influx of messages
but I would like to be sure that the issue is indeed in my harness
and not in the poker server.

On Jan 17, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Ulf Wiger ((AL/EAB)) wrote:

>> Are you suggesting this _with_ the socket reader waiting for
>> the message to be processed before reading the next one?
> No. That seems a bit like reversed flow control anyway.
> Do you expect the server to overload the bots?
> Doesn't the majority of the load originate with the bots?


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