How to find out what's going on

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Wed Jan 4 12:25:45 CET 2006

No, I had more lines printed of course. I just pasted these two into  
the email.

Maybe there's something wrong with the function that I use to  
traverse the log but wouldn't my timestamps not be sequential then?

%%% Traverse disk log

traverse(Fun, Acc) ->
     {ok, Log} = disk_log:open([{name, test},
			       {mode, read_only}]),
     Result = traverse(Log, Fun, Acc, disk_log:chunk(Log, start)),

traverse(_, _, Acc, eof) ->

traverse(Log, Fun, Acc, {Cont, Terms}) ->
     Acc1 = Fun(Acc, Terms),
     traverse(Log, Fun, Acc1, disk_log:chunk(Log, Cont)).

On Jan 4, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Per Hedeland wrote:

>> The printout is from opening the disk log and printing all entries
>> where pid is the one that I'm looking for.
> And resulting in *only* those two lines, nothing before and/or after?
> I.e. it's not just that you're off-by-one when pairing up log entries?
> And of course, both pids and logs may wrap... (not likely that your  
> pids
> wrapped though I guess).


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