Unix* + Erlang + SQLServer/Sybase

Martin Logan martin.logan@REDACTED
Tue Feb 21 18:53:40 CET 2006

I have it all in place, not just have to hook it up and write some code.
Slightly scared, I wrote and app, using easy soft, OTP ODBC and oracle
about 5 years ago and it was nun too pretty... Here's to a bright new


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
[mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of Yerl
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 1:56 AM
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Subject: Unix* + Erlang + SQLServer/Sybase 

Hi All!

You want to connect Erlang to Sybase or SQLServer databases from 
Unix-[like] systems?

So simple!

Install UnixODBC (http://www.unixodbc.org/) and  FreeTDS 
After that, use the Erlang ODBC interface to connect to whatever you



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