Longstanding issues: structs & standalone Erlang

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Wed Feb 15 14:24:45 CET 2006

On 2006-02-15 09:12, Fredrik Thulin wrote:
> Yaws, ejabberd and YXA all install with "./configure; make; make 
> install". That is extremely important in my opinion.

surely you mean that they do so on supported operating systems only?
i usually have problems with:
1 ''./configure''. it does not find a compiler on mac-osx (i do not have 
xcode installed).
2 ''make''. it crashes on solaris (makefiles are ususally written for 
gnumake, not ''standard make'').

both these problems would be avoidable if the installation used erlang.


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