erlmerge with a proxy authentication

Torbjorn Tornkvist tobbe@REDACTED
Thu Feb 2 15:58:03 CET 2006

Rachwal Waldemar-AWR001 wrote:
> I was curious if erlmerge helps to install, but to use it from a
> corporate network I have to provide proxy URL with a name and password
> to be authenticated. It seems that erlmerge doesn't allow to specify
> more than just simple URL (host:port). Is there any workaround except
> setting up an own simple proxy to the proxy at the firewall, or it needs
> to be implemented in erlmerge?
> Regards,
> WR.

No, there is no good workaround at the moment.
You could of course download (on regular basis) the erlmerge packages
to a web server of your own...

Cheers, Tobbe

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