edoc feature request

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Wed Feb 1 20:51:28 CET 2006

Hi Richard,

I'd like to request a new feature in edoc.  When I run edoc in 
non-interactive mode by means of a makefile and it detects a 
documentation syntax problem, it prints out an error, and exits the 
application (and the beam), yet the exit code of the beam process 
doesn't indicate a failure.  Therefore make doesn't stop on such an error.

It would be nice to have an option accepted by the 
edoc_run:applicaiton/1 that upon failure would terminate the emulator 
using erlang:halt(Code).

It looks like this should be something simple to implement, yet if 
desired I can submit a patch.



Serge Aleynikov
R&D Telecom, IDT Corp.
Tel: (973) 438-3436
Fax: (973) 438-1464

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