Commercial Mac IDE

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Sat Aug 12 03:29:13 CEST 2006

On Aug 12, 2006, at 2:07 AM, Yariv Sadan wrote:

> Maybe the Erlang [Erlide] code can be reused for the Cocoa IDE?

It's up to Vlad.

> On this topic, Joel, have you looked at possibly maintaining
> interoperability with GNUStep for the benefit of Unix/Linux users?

Nope. I'm positively looking for _less_ work, not more.

> Also, are there any specific features missing for Erlide that you want
> to implement in the Cocoa IDE?

I haven't looked at Erlide yet. My first task is to take care of HiPE  
on Mac Intel. I'm almost done as HiPE now bootstraps itself and  
compiles the erl code. I then need to implement the "precise floating  
point exception" code and then proceed to the Cocoa bindings. I'll  
look at Erlide once I start on the editor.

	Thanks, Joel


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